NSGC - Resource
The Nova Scotia Geomatics Centre (NSGC) has been an on-going client of GeoNet for over 18 years. GeoNet has been involved in many projects involving the updates and edits to the 1:10k provincial base maps using softcopy photogrammetry. These data sets undergo significant cartographic edits and GIS structuring using ArcGIS software. Rigorous QC is performed on each sheet before being delivered and before the use in creation of the ortho-rectified mosaics for each sheet. Hundred's of sheets have been completed to date.
NSGC - Watershed Toponymic & Network Upgrading
The Nova Scotia Geomatics Center required the services of experienced GIS resources to integrate the names of Nova Scotia Toponymic Objects water based features (rivers, lakes, coves, etc.) into the Nova Scotia Hydrographic Network dataset. Hydrographic networks were constructed and extensive quality control procedures were followed to ensure topological integrity within the datasets.
PEI Multi-Town Urban Mapping
GeoNet assisted a group of Towns in acquiring colour aerial photography and orthophotos, and creating vector maps as a first step forthem in incorporating maps and GIS into their business practices. This is a good example of where smaller municipalities can pool their resources and collaborate for a cost-effective means to acquiring technology that otherwise seemed out of reach. The Town planners and municipal works managers use the maps extensively to assist prospective developers in making investment decisions for commercial and residential property development.
PEI Dept of Environment - Coastline Change Analysis
GeoNet delineated PEI’s coastline from 1968, 2000, and 2010 aerial photographs and used those coastlines in an analysis that determined coastline change rates from 1968 to 2010, and from 2000 to 2010. The resulting datasets provided the client with coastline changes rate for every meter of PEI’s coastline which are used by the Department of Environment Labour & Justice when determining setbacks for granting building permits.
City of Moncton - Historical Orthophotos
In this project GeoNet geo-referenced and created mosaics of hundred’s of historical scanned photographs ranging from the 1950’s to the 90’s for the City of Moncton. GeoNet used road, building and other datasets to collect ground control points for the orthorectification process. GeoNet delivered both the individual rectified images and mosaics for each year.